Just a quick note to say thanks very much for the $1,000 donation for the artwork prize. It is generous and much appreciated.
Phillip Norcross, chairperson of the Norcross Falls Heritage Trust, has asked that I let you know that the Trust is again offering $3,500 (7 x $500) scholarships) to each school within their Trust area, with the aim of enhancing learning and educational outcomes. This year the Trust has kindly increased their support to another two schools, Rangeview Intermediate and Massey High School. It will again be up to individual schools to determine who receives the scholarships and how the funding is administered.
You are invited to the cheque presentation on:
- Thursday 17th October 2019
- 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
- Norcross Room (upstairs) at The Falls Restaurant
Please R.S.V.P.
In acknowledgement for the scholarships, the Trust would like for each school to produce an artwork, digital or photographic imagery on any aspect of the history of Henderson, e.g.
- Events
- People
- Businesses
- Buildings
- Industry
- Sports
- Council etc
The artworks will be judged by the Trustees. First prize will receive $1,000; second prize $500; third prize $250. It is appreciated by the Trustees that it is later in the school year, so they have asked that the completed artwork be submitted by 30th April 2020. Please liaise with me to deliver or collect your school’s artwork.
On behalf of Phillip and Trustees